Our targets

How we measure success:

100% of fiber from sustainably managed forests or recovered fiber while safeguarding forests, watersheds and biodiversity
Conserve and restore 1 million acres (400,000 hectares) of ecologically significant forestland
Our approach

Forests are at the heart of everything we do. 

Healthy forests are essential to a healthy future for our planet: they mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration, clean our water and provide habitat that wildlife populations need to thrive. With more than 1.6 billion people reliant on forests for their livelihoods, forests also deliver substantial economic benefits. And at International Paper, forests are at the heart of everything we do.

Maintaining the health, well-being and resilience of our forests is integral to global ecosystems and our business. That’s why we are committed to producing the products our customers need while being a responsible steward of the world’s natural resources.

Our approach to forest stewardship has three main elements:

Responsible fiber procurement
Forest certification
Collaboration with forest and wildlife conservation partners
A working forest tour

Join our forestry experts for a walk in the woods

Strategic collaborations 

We recognize the importance of strategic collaboration to make meaningful progress across our value chain.